Our hearts remember something better...
Updated: Feb 15, 2023
The annual feast of Yom Teruah is not only about awaiting The Kings future return on that day… but embracing the fact that our hearts remember Eden. We know that we were made for paradise and to live a life in close connection with our Creator and King. Realizing that paradise WILL BE RESTORED one day, we have the hope of all our dreams being realized.
However, this hope has been torn from humanity by the evil one only to be replaced with a not so pleasing image of sterile, emotionless humans floating around in heaven singing and worshiping for eternity. There is no hope in that! No wonder the majority of Christians have mixed feelings towards the Kings return. They have nothing to look forward to.
Aren’t there things that you dream of doing or experiencing that you aren’t able to do because you are limited by ability, fear, money or time? ( if you want a journal prompt, there it is ) Those limitations will disappear and we will get to do all that we dream of! Thinking with this type of imagination and knowing the true intention of our Creators heart towards us in this matter will give us an insane amount of shalom on earth now and draw us closer to YHVH, Yehoshua, and The Ruach. There is not enough room or words in the universe to say here how amazing life will be after the restoration! Clean air, clean oceans, animals living a happy life and in a harmless world. Adventure at our fingertips, finding your other half, children being able to be children again! Everything from good adrenaline rushes to laying on the most gorgeous white sand beach all in a world free of evil. I don’t know about you but I cannot wait for earth restored under Yehoshua's rule!DRAFTJS_BLOCK_KEY:u5aeDRAFTJS_BLOCK_KEY:u5aeDRAFTJS_BLOCK_KEY:u5ae
Why would YHVH change the human mind and heart to do away with a intimate pleasure that He Himself created our bodies to partake in? Taking that experience away from us never has been His intention and and taking that

joy from women to carry a child is not His heart towards us.
Living in the end of the age and not being able to set those unaccomplished items on your bucket list aside, as something to look forward to in the coming kingdom, will break any soul.
But allowing yourself to set all your hopes for experiencing true passionate love, adventure without fear (and everything else that could possibly be listed here) in the palm of YHVH's hand, while simultaneously TRUSTING that they will be realized later will set your heart free!
You must remember that our hearts can only trade up. They will never happily trade down.
Our home is not heaven and it never was. We were not intended to be spirits floating around praising YHVH with song alongside Angels for thousands of years. Nope! We were meant to have a rich life in face to face connection with Elohim on a beautifully created planet, in a stunning universe. A life filled with adventure, experiences, relationships, love, and laughter!
Aren’t there things that you dream of doing or experiencing that you aren’t able to do because you are limited by ability, fear, money or time? ( if you want a journal prompt, there it is. ) Those limitations will disappear and we will get to do all that we ever dream of! Thinking with this type of imagination and knowing the true intention of our Creators heart towards us in this matter will give us an insane amount of shalom on earth now and draw us closer to YHVH, Yehoshua, and The Ruach. There is not enough room or words in the universe to say here how amazing life will be after the restoration! Clean air, clean oceans, animals living a happy life and in a harmless world. Adventure at our fingertips, finding your other half, children being able to be children again! Everything from good adrenaline rushes to laying on the most gorgeous white sand beach all in a world free of evil. I don’t know about you but I cannot wait for earth restored under Yehoshua's rule!
Wonderful! I have come to the same exciting realization this last two years! These longings and need for adventure beyond the “normal” 70-80 year lifespan were meant to be realized during the Messiah’s Reign! We don’t have to fall into the world’s short sightedness in thinking we only have today. We have Eternity when we recognize that TODAY is the day of Salvation and heed Ruach’s call to teshuvah back to Elohim’s intent. Praise Yah for such a glorious plan and purpose for His people!🥰
Ahh! I love these little short reads! It's like a chocolate truffle for the inner-man; small, yet rich enough to satisfy. Excellent read.